What exactly is a search engine evaluation job?
Search engine evaluation is the process of making informed decisions about websites, webpages, music videos, songs, images, maps, and other data and rating them for accuracy, completeness, and other factors.
No experience is necessary, all you need is:
A smartphone
A Gmail email address
A commitment of at least 10hrs per week (set on your schedule)
What to expect when you register:
Create an Appen Account by clicking the link https://connect.appen.com/qrp/public/project?pftr=3e704547e91652fd87dbac(phone number)&utm_source=Dream%20Career%20Builder&utm_medium=Social%20Post&utm_campaign=Arrow&utm_term=rumendoza
Complete your profile and project registration [5 min]
Appen will then notify you via email of your application
Pass a qualification test [1-2 hrs]
A diverse, inclusive culture is vital to our mission of helping build better AI. We offer opportunities for individuals of all abilities and backgrounds.